Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's my day off today and I got to watch a few movies at home. I got to watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Saw 7, Devil, and Conviction. Maybe I'll be watching some more tonight.

Have any of you watched Conviction? If you are the kind of person who loves movies based on true stories or the kind of movies that touch your heart and soul then this is the one for you. At least it is for me. Conviction was based on a true story about 2 siblings, an elder brother (Kenny Waters) who was wrongly accused of murder and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment while his younger sister (Betty Anne Waters) who was a single mother of 2 sacrificed whatever she had to prove that her brother was innocent.

They came from a poor family. These 2 siblings were so close together since they were at very young age. They have strong love for each other even when their parents went through tough times together. They lived in a broken home. When they grew up and both got married and started having children, Kenny was arrested and sent to prison. Betty Anne had unconditional love for her brother and she strongly believed that her brother was innocent. She was in desperate move to free her brother. The big problem was money and after 6-8 years of Kenny's imprisonment, Betty Anne decided that she would go through law school and become her brother's attorney and reopens the case.

Just imagine how a 30+ year old lady with poor educational background and children to look after would give up her life and sacrificed so much to free her innocent brother that she loved dearly. I wonder how many of us have that kind of love towards his or her siblings. I wonder how many of us would do the same. I don't even know if I would have the courage and strength to do so. Especially when it involves me going back to school for something that I know nothing about.

It was a good story with high moral values put into it. That is why I enjoy this kind of movies. It is always good to see things differently at various angles and different perspectives. It teaches me to appreciate life more and be content with what I have :)

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