Thursday, May 04, 2006


I'm up early this morning,because I had a weird dream. Hehe. I've been getting these weird dreams ever since I was addicted to watching Smallville. This is bad. Want it to stop :P

Yesterday I learnt about Coronary Artery Disease. Coronory artery is the artery that supplies blood to the heart and if this artery is diseased or if it is blocked then we all are in deep trouble. We need the blood supply to the heart so that the heart tissues can be oxygenated and the heart can work properly to pump blood to all the other tissues in the body. If the coronary artery is diseased,we have high risk of HEART ATTACK and we can die instantly. I'm sorry if this sounds scary but if preventive measures are taken then I can assure you that we all can live happily without this problem. So cheer up :)

There are factors causing problems to coronary artery and the most important and the most common one is ATHEROSCLEROSIS. It simply means the thickening of blood vessels. This thickening happens due to deposition of fatty plaque in the blood vessel walls. Well,the word fatty plaque already tells you that this is because there's high level of lipid or fat in the blood and this is the reason why these lipid or fat gets stored inside the vessel walls. But this doesn't just happen in obese people,even thin people get this deposition because they eat too much fatty food and somehow their body automatically stores these fats into the blood vessels and not their body tissues and that's why they look thin and slim all the time. So becareful. This fatty plaque what it will do to our blood vessel is that it will grow and grow and as it grows it makes the blood vessel lumen smaller and smaller. This causes the blood flow in the vessel wall gets disturbed and one day when it is big enough it might occlude the vessel wall, (in this case the coronary artery) and this stops the blood supply to the heart.

Atherosclerosis used to be a disease of the old age. But recently there has been post mortem report of children having these atherosclerotic plaques. And this is very pitiful. That's why it is very important not to feed them too much. Nowadays there are many round babies and round children all over and I feel bad seeing them like that. They do look cute I must say but we can't see whats happening inside their body. How their body system is acting and stuff.

We cannot treat this atherosclerosis plaque, I mean once the plaque grows,we cannot remove it with drugs or surgery. But there are ways to prevent this. Like try avoiding fatty food mostly and we believe that Vitamin E and Vitamin C is needed to help us conteract with the fats that we eat. And also there is fish oil that contain Omega 3 which contain high level of PUFA (poly unsaturated fatty acid). PUFA helps in raising the 'good cholesterol' level in blood and this reduces the risk of heart problem. And the most important thing is, STOP SMOKING :) and don't say i didn't warn you.

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