Thursday, April 19, 2007

Friday 20/04/07

I had a terrible morning today. As soon as I got back into my room I sat on the chair and was admiring my new fish. Then I scrolled my phone picture gallery and found some old pictures of my pets. I've lost my dearest cat Tom and only got to know about it few months after that since my family kept it a secret from me until I came back home and was calling his name but he never showed up. So today I'll show you my dearest cuddly best friends and I'm missing them dearly. I wish I get to see them again one day :(


  1. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Yana, sorry to hear about your lost. I know the feeling as I too had lost my dear complete jet-black siamese cat years ago and only got to know when I came back during term break.


  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    awwww..i know the feeling!!
